Homeward Bound
An image captured at the fish market of Sydney during my recent visit in September. I like the low light condition that gave a warmth touch to the picture.
An image captured at the fish market of Sydney during my recent visit in September. I like the low light condition that gave a warmth touch to the picture.
The serenity of the beach at Busselton, Western Australia is undisturbed before sun rise. The difference in cold and warm hues enhanced the visual impact of this image further. I like the mood and colours of the environment.
Although it is monotonous, I like the atmospheric environment which is very picturesque. These are horsemen who transport the tourists to the crater of Mount Bromo, East Java, from the hotels. The journey usually starts at 4:00am on the horseback, early in order to catch the glimpse of sunrise. I would like to share with you one of images that I captured during my recent visit. This is a straight forward picture without any manipulations. I think the trickiest part here is to get an accurate exposure.
Exposure Details: Shutter speed: 1/250 sec, F-stop: f/11, Film: Kodak Ektachrome 100VS, Camera: Leicaflex SL, Lens: Elmarit 180mm f/2,8, Scanner: Nikon Super Coolscan 4000ED