Gigantic Granite Of Belitung
This is the third image that I would like to share with you before my presentation in Jakarta this coming weekend.
If you try to compare the landscape of Belitung with the “Moeraki Boulders In Spherical Form” in New Zealand, I would think the granites at Belitung are much more magnificent.
As a matter of facts, the location of this image is just slightly more toward the left of the “Clear Water And Sandy Beach”.
The slightly HDR of the image is adjusted intentionally to enhance the visual impact.
saya sangat bangga dengan keindahan kepulauan belitung, tidak cuma hanya pantai nya saja yang indah. namun pulau tesebut masih mempunyai kelebihan yaitu batu geranit nya yang saat ini masih layak untuk di pasarkan melalui ekspor
internasional. dan untuk saat ini saya masih mencari investor yang bisa untuk bekerja sama dengan perusahaan saya.!!!
Many thanks for visiting! Wish you good luck in your coming investment.
Best regards,
I really much interested with this warm and beautiful lighting !!! facinating really in my view..!!
Hi! Yendie,
Many thanks for visiting! Best regards,