Amazing Sun Rise At The Rain Tree Valley

My fascination with sun rise is endless. To find a clear horizon and capture the brilliant sunrise is not an easy task. On 27 July 2021, I managed to locate a slope of an open field at the Rain Tree Valley. I utilized the silhouette of rain trees as a framing against the clear sky as a backdrop of the image. To me, is a simple approach to capture the amazing sunrise. The concept and perception are important key factors for capturing such an image. Most importantly, the weather condition has to be exceptionally fine for me in capturing this simple landscape image.

Vibrant Colour of The Landscape

Eyeing for a different perspective of capturing the landscape of the Lower Seletar Reservoir, I finally managed on 26 June 2021. The perception was from the height of 12th storey building opposite the Reservoir. My fascination was the colourful reflections of the water. I was fortunate to have the fine calm weather to capture another image with strong visual impact.