Painterly Bamboo

Painterly Banboo
The painterly effect was created by the fog machine. The end result is an extraordinary result of an image of bamboos. Actually, the Nusantara Photo Club was using the fog machine to create an atmosphere for the setting of dancers in a bamboo forest for photography session. While member of the Club were busy capturing the image of dancers, my personal interest was more on the beauty of bamboo under such an atmosphere. I am pleased with the end result shown here.

The Golden Splendour

The Golden Splendour
Shooting against the light can be very creative especially when the light shining through the smoke. The atmosphere created by garbage burning at the nearby location attracted me. What surprise me was the golden splendour created when the light struck my lens. It is one of the image that happened once in a split of second. This was another image that I captured when Nusantara Photo club having an Annual Outing at the Pantai Lombang Sumenep Madura,East Java, Indonesia.