Dabbling In The Water

2009 29 03 11 04 UK  2937
For this recent trip, we were staying in a hotel next to the Glasgow Botanical Gardens. We thought we would be able to have an early morning. Unfortunately, the weather was not favourable. If not because of this beautiful moment that we came across, our morning outing would be a disaster. I like the simplicity of the image and the soft touch of light after a drizzle.

One After Another

2009 29 03 11 04 UK  2759
Initially, I was attracted by the simplicity of the poles. I noted a pair of birds was heading towards this end. Waiting for a right moment was the only requirement. Fortunate to have the soft touch of the morning light that gave a warmer touch of the whole scene.
This is one of lovely images that I captured at Derwent Water during my recent trip.
The other two images that I captured at the same outing are:
“Serene Derwent Water” and
“Mirror Image”.

One Step After Another

Manchester actually was the world’s first industrialised city. Since my first visit in 1992, I realise the urban renewal of Manchester is rapid. It is interesting to learn that Manchester city centre is now on a tentative list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
I think for a child to step on that structure right in the city centre is really fun especially on the way to the adjacent shopping centre with the parents. Besides the colourful dress of the child, the superb quality of the morning light has added sparkle to the whole image.