Maneuvering Through a Narrow Space

I captured this image at Changi Jetty one fine Sunday morning. On occasion, I perform image manipulation to suit the view that I originally envisaged. The painterly effect was created by applying various filters in the Photoshop software after a lengthy editing session. Creativity has no rules or boundaries. Art can be so controversial sometimes. Ultimately, it is up to you, the artist, to apply your imagination and interpretation.

Exposure information – Camera: Leica R8, Lens: Vario Elmar-R 80-200mm f/4, Shutter speed: 1/60 sec, F-stop: f/16, Film: Kodak Ektachrome 100VS, Filter: UV

Full Speed

Since the sixties, I have been doing image manipulation using “Colour Derivations” technique on 35mm format. Nowadays, with IT, the process has been made much easier. I manipulate only when the effort results in an enhancement of the original image. I will never alter any image intended for photojournalism . The above image is one of that I have manipulated with Photoshop. With readily-available IT processing, creativity has become a much easier task than the tedious darkroom procedures that took place a few decades ago.