
Notice anything new here? πŸ™‚

I came across the free blogger tool WordPress a couple of days ago at Photoblogs.org. I have never used the PHP functionality of my webhosting service so far. The friendly documentation and the support forums at WordPress got me hooked on trying the PHP-based software out on my photoblog. A few quick configurations and I managed to get my former Blogger posts (with comments and all) migrated with no problems. Exploring WordPress further, I came across the excellent photoblog template at Razzi’s Photolog and have since adapted it for use here. I like the stronger organization and categorization tools WordPress gives me compared to Blogger. The other big benefit is of course being able to log in from my workplace (since the Blogger domain has been blocked by my workplace server)!

The above picture was taken at the MacRitchie Reservoir boardwalk more than a year ago. I love the sense of peace and tranquility the picture evokes πŸ™‚

9 thoughts on “Zen

  1. I love this photo alot! The reflections in the water and the monotone throughout which brings my eye easily to the dragon fly. I had problems identifying the twigs initially but after that….admirez….

  2. Thanks jcyrhs! Wow… you must be monitoring my blog really closely πŸ˜‰ You are the first to comment in this newly revised format. Hope you like the changes here! I took a look at your photoblog and like the infra-red work you’ve been posting. Would you like to contribute to my guestblog entries? Do let me know!

  3. I used to run WP earlier (for my blog). Currently, I use pixelpost, a PHP based photoblogging software. Are you running WP with Pictoralis?

    The reflections in this photo give the feeling that the DF itself is a reflection. I like the way you perceive and manipulate light. πŸ™‚ A couple of my upcoming posts will be on light and patterns. (inspired by you)

  4. Thanks ashwin for the comments! Is pixelpost freeware as well? I am using an adapted version Razzi’s Photolog’s template which itself is a modification of the Fast-track theme for WordPress.

  5. engloy: I afraid i’m not good enough to be ur guest blogger! =) but but but, when i reach that standard i’ll approach you! tks tks!

  6. jcyrhs: you are being modest πŸ™‚ I thought some of your infra-red pictures looked pretty nice actually! Oh well… when you are comfortable enough, do let me know. Cheers!

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