
At long last, I finally made a trip back to the Botanical Gardens this morning for a much longed-for photographic outing. The next few posts will feature some of the pictures (with the usual captions/titles courtesy of darling CY) I took during my short 2.5-hour session…

For this visit, my dad and I centered our photography around the Symphony Lake. With brilliant weather and lighting, there was just so much potential photographic material available to us. I came across this almost abstract and zen-like shot which was very helped by the interesting pattern of lines cast by the real and the reflected.

3 thoughts on “Unity

  1. The overall brightness tend to impede my enjoyment of your near zen like shot. =) This is especially evidenet at the top of the photo. Nonetheless, the overlaying reflection with the subject makes this a rather interesting shot. Wonder if you used any polariser?

  2. Thanks jcyrhs. Just to clarify… do you find that the shot is too bright? Or is it too dark? The original one had less contrast but I boosted the levels by quite a significant bit to get a more contrasty feel. I couldn’t have used a polarizer for this as it would have gotten rid of all the reflections 🙂

  3. i thought it was slightly too bright for me. would have chosen to down the shadows to get the contrasty feel. The composition is great on first view but the more you look at it, the less appealing it becomes… anyway, the longer reflection lines draw the attention away from the top which reduces the bright effect towards the top. It’s just a minor thing!!!

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