Putting On The Finishing Touches
We visited numerous places producing a variety of handicrafts at totally unexpected (to us) locations during our visit to Solo City, from a gong-maker, to a wayang kulit maker, and to this place where acoustic guitars were handcrafted. This man was putting on the finishing touches to a handcrafted acoustic guitar by spraying on a protective coat of lacquer. The afternoon sun cast the perfect light which lit up the scene dramatically.
Very well captured image. The spray is engulfing him like a giant puff of smoke, I wonder what it is like for him? The expression on his face say’s that maybe it smells a bit!!
Thanks for the feedback, Tony. I must admit that the working conditions for this worker were probably verging on being hazardous. His wages are probably not particularly high as well. Unfortunately, the concept of occupational health and safety is still largely unheard of in many parts of the world. We stayed a safe distance away to take pictures but even then, we were still worried that the occasional change in wind direction may send the fumes towards us!