Pelican Gossip

Australia remains as one of my favourite holiday destinations for photography… My visit to both Sydney/New South Wales and Perth/Western Australia last year were fruitful photographic trips. The above picture of pelicans preening their feathers by the harbour was taken at Kiama, south of Sydney. Waking about at about 5.30am in the morning, we encoutered a large flock of pelicans perched by the waterside grooming their feathers. Taking cautious steps towards them, we were pleasantly surprised that they ignored us totally as we snapped picture after picture of them, squawking away in their own chattery gossip.


The initial idea I had when I migrated my existing photo gallery / photoblog to was to gradually move the old entries I made there over here (a time-consuming and labour-intensive job really, making sure that the dates of the entries matched the original!).

At the same time during the migration, I chanced upon which has found me a new audience / circle of visitors who have not really seen my old site before. Rather than having them click on the old archive links to see my old entries (which can get really tedious), I am now thinking of selecting the best of my old entries, and featuring them now as new posts here for everyone instead… What do you think?

Anyway, here’s one of my favourite pictures that I posted up some while ago:

I was looking for new opportunities to test out my then newly-bought EOS 300D in October 2003 when I came across this peaceful scene by the Botanical Gardens, Singapore. Lighting was a little soft at the time but just sufficient to throw a mild rim-light effect on the dragonfly and flower bud. I like the simple composition as well as the peaceful saturated colours of the shot.

Rise… Number 181

More raising-the-bird-cage pictures from the “bird-song” park in Ang Mo Kio, Singapore taken during my visit there a couple of weekends ago… I love the brilliant sunlight which provided a rim-light effect to the scene as well as the interesting mix of colours. A large aperture provided a shallow depth of field, which helped to blur out any distracting elements in the background. I thought the bird appeared rather terrified to be in the rising cage!