Pick A Crab…

Was picking out some old images for printing/enlargements for an upcoming exhibition… This is one of them. Out of curiousity, I decided to reprocess the original RAW file with my newly installed copy of CaptureOne 3.7 LE. With a little help with the Dodge tool, I was able to bring out additional details from the shot although the overall colour balance looks a little different. The old one that was processed with Adobe Camera RAW one-and-a-half years ago appears below for comparison…

Which do you prefer?

At Work On The Hospital

Updates to my photoblog will be a little slow for the next few months since I will have lesser time for updates due to my upcoming post-graduate examinations…

A picture from the past archives…

As part of the 80th anniversary celebrations of the hospital that I work at, photographs depicting hospital staff at work (from technicians, maintenance, to health care workers) will be put up at a commemorative exhibition. I went around the hospital looking for pictures to take (when as luck would have it) I came across this scene of cleaners at work on the exterior of the hospital building. I like the contrast of the human activity against the patterned backdrop of the hospital building windows.

NB: I no longer working at this hospital currently and the above-mentioned exhibition has already taken place.

Your Move Is Next

Continuing with the Scrabble Championships series, I like the good vantage angle that I got from the Suntec City shopping atrium while taking pictures of the students concentrating hard on their mental battles. Best of all, I was able to capture these scenes in cool, air-conditioned comfort, which is rare when you are taking pictures in hot and humid Singapore!