Green With Envy

Another shot from the same outing at the Botanical Gardens last weekend…

The backlit leaves of the palm trees near the Ginger Garden has always attracted me as a place for good, close-up abstract-pattern shots. I like this particular one for the fan-like bright backlit leaf in the background contrasting with the darker green of the foreground one. Can anyone think of a better title for this one? So far my mind has drawn blanks as to what to call this… so Lusciously Green it will remain for now ๐Ÿ˜›

Update – The photo has been renamed Green With Envy … see the comments on what led to this!

“Smile! You’re On Camera!”

A slight variation on my previous post… this time with my dear wife adding a touch of human interest to the shot. I have been trying to interest her in taking pictures so that she wouldn’t be bored sitting around when we go out on photographic trips. Getting her a P&S camera (the Canon Powershot A510) for her birthday was a start. Now to get her to use it more often… ๐Ÿ˜›