Glowing Lalang

Glowing Lallang
I commented at the end of my recent Bali trip that it would probably be difficult to get nice pictures in a while when I get back to Singapore. Guess I was wrong 😛 A morning trip today to the Botanical Gardens yielded a number of interesting shots of which my favourite was the above shot of a back-lit leaf blade of lalang grass (or to use its scientific name, Imperata cylindrica). Although generally considered a weed by many, I am surprised by its many uses, which include being used in Papua New Guinea to thatch the roofs of traditional homes, as well as for its medicinal properties. Young shoots may even be eaten cooked!

Tree Bark

Tree Bark
From an old tree in the Sydney Botanical Gardens… I will be taking a one-week break from new posts while I travel to Bali for a long-awaited photography-only trip with Dad 🙂 Hope to come back with loads of new pictures to share!